
Summary Of Dr. Heidegger's Experiment By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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People like to reflect on the past. Some enjoy it, and take pleasure in what they had accomplished and done. Others look back in misery, and wish they could change it. However, in both cases, some may long for it to come back. This may be because they want to be there again where it was perfect in their eyes, or to change it, because their past is full of regret. One of these instances is the four old friends from the short story Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The four, Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, Mr. Gascoigne, and Widow Wycherly, all had terrible pasts, and had extreme desire to go back in time to fix it, which they almost did. The four want to change their past, and this brings about the theme of it is impossible to change it. When the four enter the Doctor’s house, they are introduced to the reader as,”They were all melancholy old creatures, who had been unfortunate in life, and whose greatest misfortune it was that they were not long ago in their graves.” Through this quote Hawthorne is pointing out they were all failures in life. They all wished they were dead, their lives so wasted and dreary. This shows their longing to change their past. They had been unfortunate in life, and the fact they wanted to take the elixir to be young again shows they want to fix that. The narrator also points out, “ And, before …show more content…

The text says, “and though utter sceptics as to its rejuvenescent power, they were inclined to swallow it at once” The four wanted to be young again, and possibly fix their past mistakes. Without this desire from the old friends the theme would not have come across. But, since they wanted to change their past, the theme could get across that you cannot change it. Hawthorne used the failures and longing of his characters to get across a deeper message, and without that longing of the characters his point may have not gotten so clearly

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