
Summary Of John KnowlesA Separate Peace

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According to a study by Dr. Bella DePaulo, people regularly lie in one of five of their interactions. This is very interesting considering that many people would say that honesty is one of the most important elements to any relationship. John Knowles noticed this contradiction and saw it as a problem, because he addresses it in A Separate Peace through Gene. Gene avoids confronting and speaking about issues and tells lies in hopes of not hurting himself and those around him, which all eventually leads to Finny's permanent crippling, and then his death. Through Gene, Knowles emphasizes the importance of appropriate communication, one of the most substantial parts of a healthy human connection, because it can resolve conflicts before they even happen.
Gene's inability to confront people about his feelings leads to bigger conflicts down the road and teaches readers that expression of feeling can eradicate future conflicts. Gene’s deceit and inner conflict starts when Finny and Gene are on the beach together. When Finny tells Gene that he is his best friend, Gene does not answer and reflects, "I should have told him then that he was my best friend also and rounded off what he had said" (Knowles 48). When he says that he should have "rounded off what he had said," it implies regret that he did not. Maybe this does not directly lead to the accident or Finny's death, but this could have been a starting point for Gene. If he could have learned to speak up earlier on, then the idea

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