
Summary Of Just Walk On By

Satisfactory Essays

In "Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space" Brent Staples illustrates his thesis throughout the essay using specific moments where he is seen as a threat due to being tall and black. He details numerous examples that illustrates his thesis, the two-main example are: when he is mistaken as a burglar at his own job and when he is mistaken as the murder because he was black. In Just Walk On By: “A Black Man Ponders His Power To Alter Public Space Staple thesis is: due to negative stereotypes such as a rapist, a murder, and a gang members many people still today see black individuals automatically as a threat. To begin with, Staples gives example after example showing a dogmatic label he obtains due to his race and sex. If a black individual is automatically labeled a threat due to his race, how is a black individual post to survive when stereotypes out weight the truth? Staples illustrate a clear example of the effect that negative stereotype as on the black community. He vividly illustrates an example of that: “He went to nearby Waukegan, Illinois a couple summers ago, to work on a story about …show more content…

Staples wants to show his audience the effects it has not only on the black community but people in general. Black males need to understand that there will always be stereotypes against them, and need to take drastic measures to prove to society that not all stereotypes are accurate. Staples accepts the stereotype against him and hopes to acquaint with his dual audience the positive and negative impacts of a black man’s ability to alter public space.

KIRSZNER, LAURIE G. “Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power To Alter Public Space.” PATTERNS FOR COLLEGE WRITING: a Rhetorical Reader and Guide - with 2016 Mla Update, BEDFORD BKS ST MARTIN'S, 2016, pp.

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