
Summary Of ' Kill A Mockingbird '

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To Kill a Mockingbird –Intervention (Postlude) It was the beginning of yet another cold night. The sun was descending into the great unknown, allowing for the moon to take its place until the morning. Mayella stood and watched this phenomena, something she had never paid much attention to before. She stood silently before the filth and chaos of the junkyard, admiring the beauty of something so simple, something so full of wonder. It had now been a mere two weeks since her father’s death, though it felt like an eternity. Mayella was torn between two mentalities. On one hand, she loathed her father and what he did to her family; but on the other, she loved him. He was the only person she could ever turn to, even though he would always let her down. She had spent the past two weeks wondering why she couldn’t just hate him and move on. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice call out, interrupting her thoughts. “Mayella, ain’t you gonna tuck us in?” It was Burris, her younger brother. Mayella composed herself and walked towards the children’s makeshift bedroom, a thin cotton sheet draped over upright pieces of wood. She entered the bedroom to find the seven children sharing one old mattress. “Sorry, I-I just got a little distracted,” she said softly. One by one, she kissed her siblings good night. Burris lay at the end of the line, his gaunt body curled up in the foetal position. As she reached over to him, his wide eyes gazed into hers. When she stared back, she noticed something

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