
Summary Of Leslie Marmon Silko's Lullaby

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Leslie Marmon Silko’s short story “Lullaby” starts with the main character Ayah who is a Navajo woman waiting for her husband Chato to go home from the bar in a snow night. While she is waiting, she thinks about her children. The army blanket she has is sent from her oldest son Jimmy who has died in the war. Her other two children, Danny and Ella, are taken by the government because she has signed the document without understanding what it is about and only been taught her how to sign her name by Chato. She decides to look for Chato. The men in the bar do not welcome her, and Chato is not there. She leaves and finds him walking along the pavement. They sit with their backs against a rock and share the blanket to rest. Ayah sees his eyes closed and sings a lullaby her grandmother and mother have sung to her to Chato. The story records only a few hours, but it expounds the past experiences of Ayah for the readers to understand what have happened in her life. By setting the point of view on Ayah, Silko expresses a strong sense of viewing the issues between men and women which exist in the society by imperceptibly describing the danger of patriarchy and the way Ayah combats the stereotype of femininity. Silko illustrates the inherent danger of patriarchy to women in “Lullaby” to highlight the gender issues. In Lois Tyson’s book Using Critical Theory, the patriarchy is explained as “any society in which men hold all or most of the power.” This feature is completely reflected in

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