
Summary Of Looking Backwards By Edward Bellamy

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In the second book, Looking Backwards, Edward Bellamy demonstrates the worldview question “what is the zeitgeist”. In humanities zeitgeist is defined as the spirit of the times.Throughout the book Bellamy gives the reader different time frames to look at, to help examine the zeitgeist.The time frames presented in the book involve the 19th century and the 20th century. Bellamy distinguishes the time periods through his characters Julian West and Dr. Leete. All through the book, Julian West represents the 19th century aristocratic beliefs and Dr. Leete represents the 20th century utopia belief. With that, it is helpful for one to analyze the characteristics of the worldview features that are present in all cultural artifacts to understand the …show more content…

There were huge gaps of isolation between the four different classes. It was as if each class was a separate nation, because there were far greater differences between the educated and the ignorant, as well as the rich and the poor (pg.37). There was the notion that none of the higher classes acknowledged or associated with lower ones. If one looks back, it is evident that people during the 19th century were devoted to religion and faith. Also, they believed that individuals were in their economic and social classes for specific reasons. There was no changing classes. For example, the poor kept being poor and the rich continued to make money. Another cultural artifact during the 1800’s was society’s view of education. They did not place major emphasis or importance on an education at the time because they saw greater reward in working. The thought was that the more one worked resulted in more earnings, which enabled families to live more comfortable. Therefore, the rich owned many factories and businesses. This allowed them to dictate rates and take advantage of others for a profit. During the 1800’s labor was used to provide for ones family. For …show more content…

Leete, the reader gains a better understanding of how much things have changed in the 20th century. The city of Boston, that was once spread out, has changed to more of a compact and busy area. Also, the buildings have changed into more modern structures with technology (pg.55). During his time with Dr. Leete and his family he sees that many things have changed, since the 19th century. One of the major things that have changed is that everyone lives on the same fixed income (pg.96). With their income they are allowed to spend it on whatever they see is important. Compared to the 1800’s there are a variety of shopping stores that sell both; wants and needs. It is also important to note that music has changed, too. During the 19th century it was performed by individuals and bands live, but now one can listen to performers through technology (pg. 97). Even the political and economic systems have changed. For example, they use a “method of electing officials by votes of the retired members of guilds” (pg.147). Economically the country has gotten rid of private capital and they are able to calculate expected demand for goods and services. This is due to the fact the nation is the only producer of them. Another change involves trade with other countries. There is equality between women and men when it comes to jobs and opportunities. As a society they have put more emphasis on education and what it can provide for an individual, or a society. If the 19th

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