
Summary Of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley's “Frankenstein” begins with letters between a ship captain, Robert Walton, and his sister. When his ship became trapped in ice, Captain Walton encountered Victor Frankenstein who was traveling across the ice and was ill from exposure to the cold. The captain took Victor aboard and listened to his wild tale. Victor began describing a happy childhood spent with his cousin, Elizabeth, and friend, Henry Clerval. While studying natural philosophy and chemistry at the University of Ingolstadt, Victor became obsessed with discovering the secret to life. After years of work, he was convinced that he found it and spent months creating a creature from stolen body parts. Finally, alone in his apartment, he brought it to life but was …show more content…

On the way to his father’s, Victor passed through the woods where his brother was killed. He saw the monster there and realized that it had strangled his brother. Upon arriving at home, Victor learned that Justine Moritz, a kind adopted girl, was accused, tried, and executed for William’s murder. Victor became even guiltier knowing that his creation was responsible for both deaths. To ease his grief, Victor took a vacation to the mountains. The monster followed him there, admitted to William’s murder, and begged for understanding. The monster claimed it was an attempt to hurt Victor in return for the pain Victor had caused by hating and abandoning his creation. The monster begged Victor to create him a mate. At first, Victor refused, but the monster eventually convinced him. After his vacation and with plans to make a female, Victor went to England with Henry. While Henry was in Scotland, he secluded himself on an island and began a second creation. When partly done, Victor glanced out the window and saw the monster glaring at him with a nasty grin. Victor realized the potential for disaster and destroyed his work to prevent more horror. The monster became furious and promised revenge to be paid on Victor’s wedding

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