
Summary Of ' My Last Duchess ' By Robert Browning

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Kendra Collins English 2116 Professor Newberry 13 February 2017 A Reader’s Guide to Robert Browning “My Last Duchess” Title and Author Robert browning was born on May 7,1817 in Camberwell, England. To and accomplished pianist and a bank clerk. It is said by the age of five he was already proficient of writing and reading. At the age of twelve he wrote a volume of Byronic verse entitled Incondita, which his parents attempted to have published. By thirteen birthday Browning had received the rest of Shelly’s work, and declared himself a vegetarian and an atheist in emulation of the poet. Browning had serval failures when it came to publishing his work like Pauline and Sordello. However, Browning is highly known in the Victorian Period for …show more content…

Dashes and parenthesis tie a modifying side remark in a double knot. The poem also evokes emotion while somewhat telling a story. Browning also uses syntactical pauses that coincide with line endings creating tension in the rhythm and places emphasis on the horrors the Duke reveals as the sentence end in mid-line (Dupras). Analysis of Major Themes/ Ideas During the Victorian Period in England was a time of gender inequality. Women were inferior to males and, objects of desire. In lines (1-2) of the poem he beginnings pointing out a portrait on the wall of his “last duchess” and stating, “Looking as if she were still alive” (2), quickly informing you on why she’s considered to be his “last duchess.” He continues to brag about who the painter was while putting emphasis on it, “I said “Fra Pandolf “by design, for never read strangers like you that pictured countenance” (5-7). By doing this shows how he considers himself on a higher pedestal than others, and how he downgrades others intelligence. The Duke goes on to say “Since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I” (9-10), “how such a glance came there; so, not just the first” (12). He’s telling the listener that not just anyone gets to see the portrait, the way they could see her when she was alive. As the Duke continues he goes to show his anger and jealously. He felt as if his duchess was for his eyes only. When he

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