
Summary Of The Apology Of Socrates

Decent Essays

“How you, O Athenians, have been affected by my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that they almost made me forget who I was…” (Socrates para 1). Socrates was a man of many thoughts. He did not like to go with what other people thought was right or wrong, instead he decided to think for himself. In thinking for himself, Socrates asked a bunch of questions. Many of those questions were indeed about the Athens’ god and the world around him in general. In The Apology of Socrates, Socrates speaks about three things: his charges, his defense, and his conviction. Socrates begins in telling about his accusers and the charges that they have placed upon him. “Socrates is an evil-doer, and a curios person, who searches into things under the earth …show more content…

He also tells the men that any one of them could have this wisdom too. He does not claim to have a superhuman wisdom of which he was accused, but instead a wisdom that is learned through years of being a thinker. Socrates began to tell of all the people he went and spoke to about his wisdom. He was trying to find someone that was wiser then he. However, in doing this Socrates made a bunch of enemies. Even though Socrates was immensely wise, he made sure to give credit where it was due. “…God only is wise; and by his answer he intends to show that the wisdom of men is worth little or nothing…” (Socrates para 10). Socrates tells the Athens that if they condemn him they are sinning against God since Socrates was a gift to them. Also, it is said that if Socrates is killed then the Athenians will not find a successor very easily. Socrates tells the men that he is unlike any other man with a gift, that he has used it for good and not evil. For example, he has his poverty to show that he has not gained from using his gift to help others. After Socrates has been found guilty and sentenced to death he gives his final speech. He tells the people how they should be ashamed of themselves. He also tells that that, “…they do not put a man to death for asking questions…” (Socrates para

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