
Summary Of The Book Thief : Part 6

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The Book Thief: Part Six “Death's Diary: 1942” Death describes himself a little; he doesn't carry a scythe, or wear a black robe unless its cold, and he looks like any person. 1942 is a very busy year for him, and he needs a vacation. There are so many humans to collect and colors to see. War is not Death's best friend, as the saying goes, but more like a demanding boss. When he remembers that year he likes to think of a little beauty as well, though, so he returns to the book thief's story. “The Snowman” On Christmas Eve Liesel brings down handfuls of snow for Max to taste. Then she gathers more and builds a snowman in the basement. Everyone has a brief time of pure joy, and then they fall asleep. Max starts to get sick after that, however, and he can't seem to ever get warm. By mid-February he collapses and hits his head on the accordion case. Rosa and Hans carry him to Liesel's room and put him to bed. Liesel is worried and depressed, and she visits Max many times during the night. In the morning she brings his sketchbook, but he still won't wake up. Liesel feels guilty for making the snowman, which probably made him sick, and she begs him not to die. “Thirteen Presents” Liesel sits and talks to Max, but he keeps sleeping for days. Death visits Himmel Street, but he doesn't take Max's struggling soul, and he doesn't see Liesel. Max opens his eyes twice but both times falls back into his coma. Liesel starts to read The Whistler to him. Finally Rosa makes Liesel go out

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