
Summary Of The Elephant In The Room: Postpartum Anxiety

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The Elephant in the Room: Postpartum Anxiety You’ve heard about postpartum depression. You’ve heard about Brooke Shields’ publicized struggle with it, you’ve seen studies about it, and you might even know a mom who has faced it. But there’s another common postpartum condition that’s been hiding in the shadows: postpartum anxiety. So, why aren’t we talking about it?

It’s not because it doesn’t happen. According to Postpartum Support International, 10% of new mothers develop anxiety. And it’s not because its symptoms are easy to ignore. Postpartum anxiety can cause constant worry, sleep and appetite disturbances, and physical symptoms like dizziness and nausea. According to Kevin Gyoerkoe, Psy. D., co-author of The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook, the more likely reason is “a lot of what people call postpartum depression is actually postpartum anxiety.” …show more content…

I’ll talk about how postpartum anxiety is different from postpartum depression. I’ll also share thoughts from experts in the field, like Kevin Gyoerkoe, Psy. D. and Jonathan Abramowitz, Ph.D., on why this distinct condition often gets lumped in with postpartum depression. I’ll go on to talk about the reasons why women experience anxiety after their baby is born. I’ll end the article by talking about ways women can manage and recover from postpartum anxiety, including how to get help from professionals and things that women can do at home (more than just deep

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