
Summary Of ' The Elephant 's The Village Of The Blind '

Decent Essays

In the short story, The Elephant in the Village of the Blind, there are a group of blind villagers that come across a conflict amongst themselves. The villagers are being introduced to an elephant for the first time in their lives. In curiosity, they all feel different parts of the elephant, observing the different textures and body parts. As they discuss their different views and experiences from touching the elephant their personal ideas created conflicts. As they disagree, it creates an interesting representation of human interaction. In this story, the conflicts that arise between the villagers represent the small bubble of human observation and subjectivity, and how much of human interaction is about competing to be correct in our beliefs because ego and self worth drive how we interact with each other.
The villagers in the story represent different aspects of humans in society. One of the things they represent is ignorance. The first clue the author gives that symbolizes their ignorance is by describing the setting to the story. The location in the village is “high in the mountains” (line 1) in a “remote mountain village”(5). This displays that they are essentially isolated from the world and their peers. With their blindness limiting their vision, and their apparent seclusion from the world, they are ignorant to the things going on around them. The relationship between the villagers represent how humans believe that the things surrounding them are all there is in the

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