
Summary Of The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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There are many ways to cope with events that happen in life, some are positive and some are negative. In The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette tells her story of her unconventional family and how she copes with events that occur in her life. The story starts when she is a young child and how her family is not homeless, they are free spirits and their outlook on life is that everything is an adventure. However, as time progresses and she gets older, she starts to see how this is not how she wants to live her life and that she wants more for herself. Along the way the Walls family comes in contact with different situations that could be harmful to them and how they cope with such situations. The way people cope with things varies from being negative to positive; how people cope with things really shapes their lives in the long run. …show more content…

From sheds blowing up because they were mixing acids, to catching themselves on fire and melting their toys. Jeannette sees all these things as an, “adventure” (Walls 49). Being ignorant is not a very good coping mechanism but in this case, it is good because if she knew how bad this was for her, it would affect her mental health, and not in a good way. Jeannette is cooking herself some hot dogs because she was hungry. At the time she is three years old, she ends up having to go to the hospital because her clothes caught on fire. One of the nurses told her that she would be okay, Jeannette said, “I know,” I said, “but if I’m not, that’s okay, too” (Walls 10). For a three year old to say that she is okay with not being fine after getting burnt, is not healthy. For starters she is too little to be cooking and her parents should have been watching her. Even adults are not okay with dying and Jeannette was three at this time. Jeannette does not see this as a problem which in some situations is a good coping mechanism but here it is

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