
Summary Of The Things They Carried 'By Tim O' Brien

Decent Essays

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien is a short story written about the Vietnam War. The title has two meanings. The first is their duties and equipment for the war. The second, the emotional sorrows they were put through while at war. Their wants and needs, the constant worry of death were just a few of the emotional baggage they carried. During the Vietnam War, like all wars, there were hard times. Being a soldier wasn’t easy. Soldiers always see death, whether it be another soldier or an enemy. In “The Things They Carried,” Tim O’Brien explores the motivation of solders in the Vietnam War to understand their role in combat, to stay in good health, and accept the death of a fellow soldier. …show more content…

In “The Things They Carried”, chewing gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets, Kool-Aid packs, C rations, and two to three canteens of water were the essentials for everyday life. “Henry Dobbins, who was a big man, carried extra rations; he was especially fond of canned peaches in heavy syrup over pound cake.” (O’Brien 95) The extra rations that Henry Dobbins carried could have been the extra motivation for him to stay healthy through the war. Good hygiene was a must during war. Jensen carried toothbrush, floss and trial size shampoos. He also used three pairs of socks and foot powder. He was determined to be protected from trench foot. History keeps reminding us over and over how important good hygiene is for our health. During the civil war many men died of infections for, high gene was not number one priority in fact solider didn’t shower in weeks or even months. In WWI the soldiers suffered from trench foot over 20,000 casualties resulting from trench foot were reputed to have been suffered by the British Army alone during the close of 1914. The symptoms of trench foot are when the feet become numb, swollen and turn red. Blisters and sores soon appear and the feet turn blue, then the sores get infected with fungi. In World War II Dysentery occurred it is caused by a bacterial or protozoan infection or infestation of parasitic worms, Symptoms of dysentery include frequent passage of feces and, in some cases, vomiting …show more content…

In a war, death is almost as common as breathing. After Lavender is shot the men burn the city of Than Khe. The loss of their comrade makes then angry and they totally demolish the city. They smoke the rest of Lavender’s dope and wait for the plane to take him away. The platoon talks about the soldiers they hear about that shoot of a finger or toe just to go home, or at least get out of Vietnam. The men talk about how those men that mutilate their own body just to get out are worthless. The story talks about how the men are more afraid of talking about fear than they are of death. “The heavier load of fear and whatever then men rely on to cope with fear, like ted Lavender’s drugs, Kiowa’s bible and Jimmy Cross’s love letters.”(Wesley 6) After Lavender’s death they all march on grateful that it wasn’t them. “The men respond to Lavender’s death in a variety of ways: relief, hysterical grief, and destruction of the nearby village of Than Khe.”(Wesley 5) Lieutenant Jimmy Cross wept over the death of Lavender because he was responsible for his life, and is responsible for the lives of the remaining men. He told himself that Lavender’s death was his fault for being too wrapped in his day-dreaming of Martha. He knew that she didn’t love him like he loved her, but he continued to fantasize about her and putting his men’s life at risk. Kiowa constantly talked about Lavender’s death to accept that

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