
Summary Of The Ways Of Meeting Oppression By Martin Luther King

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Donald J. Trump once tweeted, “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” The tweet from May 23, 2014 from the current president says something very powerful in this particular one. Broken down in simple terms, he simply means that failure happens at times so that people can approach situations in new and different ways. Humans can often get stuck trying to accomplish something by using the same method. The accomplishment happens when they finally come with a new way to succeed. Failure is a process that can determine one’s character. It is a process needed in order to be successful. Through life people approach failure in various manners. For example, there are people who sulk, people who pretend, people who repeat, and …show more content…

Once they have quit attempting their goal they become comfortable with their failure. In Martin Luther King Jr.’s essay, “The Ways of Meeting Oppression,” King describes one form of dealing with oppression as acquiescence. He states, “They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression, and thereby become conditioned to it” (King 465). King describes acquiescence as essentially becoming complacent and comfortable to their oppression. That is what someone who sulks does after they have completely given up all hope on any of their dreams. Failure can not be overcome with this coping …show more content…

The repeater will attempt to achieve the goal as many times as they need to. The problem with the repeater is that they will make the same mistake and continue to fail. They usually do not take the time to reflect, much like the pretender. People who repeat failure in the same manner in every attempt are often stubborn. They do not listen to others and will sometime believe that they have everything under control and do not need help. The repeater can be described as the literal definition of crazy by doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome. Although the repeater keeps trying, unlike the grouser and pretender, success can not happen for this type of individual until they learn to listen and reflect. Repeating is another ineffective way of coping with

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