
Summary Of Thomas Hobbes And Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Inequality, unfairness, discrimination are all some things a majority of society has struggled with for many centuries. No matter how far back humans go into the past it is something a lot of people have disagreed on, including the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The seventeenth and eighteenth century were a time when philosophers increased in prominence. They started to speak what was on their mind and tried to get others to side with them by giving them information on what their theories were. Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau ended up becoming two of the most influential political theorists in the world that had similar, yet different theories on human nature. (Cahn, Steven M. Political philosophy: the essential texts. Oxford Univ. Press, 2015.) In this essay I will argue that Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s state of nature is better than Thomas Hobbes because of their own definition of state of nature, the people have their own rights, and they are not governed by a monarch. Thomas Hobbes was born on April 5, 1588, Westport, England. His father disappeared after a brawling in front of his own church, leaving his three children in the care of his brother. Uncle Hobbes, a tradesman, provided for Thomas’s education. Hobbes was an outstanding student of classical language and by the age of fourteen he went to Oxford to study. ( Editors. “Thomas Hobbes" The website. A&E Television. June 4, 2014.) By, 1608, he became a private tutor

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