
Summary: The Color Of Water By Ruth Mcbride

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Some people think that once you have set morals and values for yourself, you have to stick with them for your whole life. There are going to be experiences in a person’s life that will go against their beliefs, and it’s up to that person to decide if they are going to change. Ruth McBride, mother of James McBride, author of our book, The Color of Water, has shown us through her struggles in growing up, having children, and losing ones, that adapting while still keeping your main beliefs is a good thing. When Ruth was growing up, she was given twisted views on what family was supposed to be like, but she still stayed loyal to her family. Ruth talks about her high school graduation, “ I told her, “Frances, I’m not sure I can go into that church.” She said, “ I understand, Ruth. I’ll graduate by myself, then, because I don’t want to graduate next to anyone but you.” Well, I felt like I couldn’t let that happen, so I said, “ I can go it, let’s go.” We took a picture in our caps and gowns and got in line, double file, and marched together. The line marched out of Suffolk High’s schoolyard and onto Main Street and …show more content…

“Living on my own and having to pay bills and having to take care of myself, you know, made me into a real adult. Where in high school you still have a lot of growing up to do.” Eggert said when asked about an event that changed her from the person she was in high school to who she is now. It is important to her to always be independent and to be able to think on her own. “ I still have the same values and things that I’m passionate about -- but more so now. I think having children changed my outlook on parenting enormously.” Eggert said. The values my mother holds dear to her, such as parenting, ethics, and political views have stayed, for the most part, consistent through her life. However, she is always accepting to change to accommodate the new world into her

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