
Summary: The Effect Of US-Cuba Relations

Decent Essays

The Effect of US-Cuba Relations on the Cuban Economy Several generations of Americans have been taught to distrust Cuba, but the United States and Cuba have not always had such a rocky relationship. According to the article “Should the United States Maintain Its Embargo against Cuba?”, “in the late 1800’s, the United States were purchasing 87% of Cuba’s exports and had control over its sugar industry.” This all changed, however, on January 1st, 1959 as Fidel Castro overthrew the president at the time, Fulgencio Batista Zaldívar. Cuba became a Communist nation at a time when Communism was spreading and large communist countries such as the USSR and China threatened the US with their military strength. The weakening of US-Cuba relations intensified …show more content…

A small number of journalists and bloggers who are independent of government media manage to write articles for websites or blogs, or publish tweets. However, the government routinely blocks access within Cuba to these websites, and those who publish information considered critical of the government are subject to smear campaigns and arbitrary arrests.” (“Cuba: Events of 2015”)
The Cuban media is essentially a tool of the government to trick their citizens into believing they are living in a perfect society. Without the truth, public views on the embargo will remain the same and US-Cuba relations will continue to suffer as a consequence of it. However, the many outweigh the few as more and more Cubans have experienced the benefits of improved US relations. The Miami Herald states “that 54 percent of Cubans earn $50 to $200 monthly”, but often it was not even enough to provide the essentials such as food and clean drinking water. “Many Cubans have jobs on the side, and in recent years about a half million have joined the ranks of Cuba’s cuentapropistas, or self-employed” in which “the earnings potential for some is considerably more than state salaries.”

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