
Summary: The Effects Of Criminal Activity Due To Drug Abuse

Decent Essays

At its absolute worst, addiction comes with some rather severe unintended consequences. It's difficult to explain the risks to young adults who are wrapped up in their cycle of addiction to the point they start doing things they wouldn't otherwise do. One of the most serious external repercussions that comes from young adult drug use is criminal activity, whether intended or not.

The Effects of Criminal Activity Due to Drug Abuse
In their quest to feed their addiction, young adult tend to forget that simple possession of a controlled substance is always a crime and often times considered to be a felony. For the unfortunate ones who lack the resources to purchase their drug of choice, they often resort to criminal theft and robbery to support …show more content…

The question, can you go to college with a felony?, becomes a minimal concern.

About the Recovery Program at Sober College
Aside from the college curriculum, Sober College offers an effective treatment program, using a classroom / scientific approach. Each student/patient is assign a treatment team that includes a case worker, therapist and college professor. Whether the services are being provided as part of the residential program or through outpatient or intensive outpatient services, the focus is the same. Set the patient firmly on the road to recovery and break down educational barriers in the process.

Do not give up your dreams of attending college because of your past dealings with the law and addiction. You can call us now at 877.634.7849. By allowing our staff to help you find your way back from addiction, Sober College will be able to help you become another one of our beautiful success

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