
Summary : ' The Respectful Prostitute '

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As I looked at the front page of the daily Chicago Tribune, I see the face of a cop. He has been charged for the killing of a black young man of only 17 years. It then highlights the many outcries throughout the city, as well as other areas of the country where there have been similar incidents. All pointing to, and claiming systematic racism. In The Respectful Prostitute, Sartre highlights the issue of systematic racism. The play takes place in the apartment of the main character, Lizzie. While on a train relocating from the North, Lizzie is witness to the killing of a black man by Thomas, who she will later realize is a prominent man, and of a prominent family in her new town in the South. Lizzie has a different ‘truth’ of the incident that what is being proposed by the men who are seeking to clear the name of Thomas. According to Lizzie’s account, the group of white men were drunk and made advances toward her. Apparently she didn’t take well to their advances, and unfortunately for two black men, they saw all of this as it ensued. Angered (because they have been ‘seen’ by black men. This I will pick up later) and drunk, they moved on to the two black men attempting to throw them from the train. The black men arguably defended themselves well. This lead Thomas to pull his gun killing one while the other escapes. This Negro shows up at Lizzie’s apparent asking her to simply tell the truth so that he can be ‘freed’ and no longer be the hunted of the town. Lizzie, at first,

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