
Summary: What Went Wrong In Flint

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Decisions made to save or make money are difficult to notice and promote change. In section 2 of “What Went Wrong In Flint”, the water change made by Darnell Earley, when water was bought from Detroit and pumped out of Lake Huron, a switch was decided to pump the water running through a cash-strapped city (Barry-Jester). Although the switch was a city vote the outcome could be in relation to the point that community members may ignore ethical implications and go directly to the reaction, “We need money–go for it!” (Minkler p.118). The result of this change was a payout of 1.5 million annually to the city’s general fund (Barry-Jester).This might have been approved because of the chance to save money without thinking of long-term issues that may surface. By not considering these issues the new pipeline was built through the city causing residents to notice foul smells and strange tastes in their drinking water (Barry-Jester). Water that was supposed …show more content…

The realization from Edwards findings lead a friend to refer pediatrician Mona Hannah-Attisha to look into the Flint water source since corrosion control was not being used (Barry-Jester). When reading this section I found it a relief that the issue news was expanding to different fields of work. Attention first from the discovery of a civil engineer and then a pediatrician with access to the city’s public health system. The partnership between these members follow the hope for community empowerment of partnerships which say, “we need to understand out personal biographies of race, education or social status, or gender and other identities” (Minkler p.122). Knowing the area is more diverse and building an understanding every person matters and deserves clean water the amount of effort to bring attention and awareness by the pediatrician was

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