
Summer Extensions

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If you have extensions in your hair, you need to take a few extra precautions to keep them looking nice during the summer. Here are three things you need to do during the summer to ensure that your extensions look great and last a long time.

Tip #1: Protect Your Extensions From The Sun

The sun can damage your extensions in a variety of different ways. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can loosen the material that keeps your extensions bonded to your head. Try to stay in the shade as much as possible when you are outside. If you cannot avoid the direct sunlight, just purchase a few fun summer hats that go with your wardrobe. This will help keep your bonds that hold your extensions in place cool.

Additionally, sun exposure can steal the …show more content…

Although it is great to get out and get active, without the proper care, physical activity can wreak havoc on your extensions. All that activity can cause your extensions to get tangled up. If you work up a sweat, it can also compromise the bonds of your extensions.

Luckily, there is an easy solution. When you will be doing light physical activity, such as walking or throwing a Frisbee, secure your hair in a low, loose ponytail. A low ponytail will prevent your extensions from getting all tangled up. Keeping the pony tail lose will prevent your hair and extensions from getting creases in it.

If you are going to be doing intense physical activity, such as hiking or playing tennis, put your hair up in a high ponytail. This will prevent your hair from getting tangled up and will keep it away from the sweat on your body. In order to prevent creases from developing, just take your hair down as soon as you are finished with your activity and are sweat free again.

Tip #3: Wear A Cap When

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