
Supernatural Power In Macbeth

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Throughout the play, the witches use supernatural powers to spark Macbeth’s ambition which ultimately leads to his downfall. Firstly, the three witches, aware of Macbeth’s arrival, gather between the battlefield and the palace of Duncan, the king, at Forres to prepare a spell for him. When the witches encounter Macbeth and Banquo, who are on their way to the palace of Duncan, they tell Macbeth that he will ultimately become Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland. By telling Macbeth about his future, the witches accurately fulfil his desires, causing Macbeth to believe in the prophecies. The accuracy of the witches’ prophecies sparks Macbeth’s ambition because he becomes impatient and he decides to act on the predictions. Macbeth’s

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