
Superstition In Macbeth Research Paper

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As Lady Macbeth represents temptation, the three witches, Banquo’s ghost, the three apparitions, and many more represent the supernatural and the superstitious. Supernatural is the unusual, the unseen, and the unknown, and the subject is delved deeply in many parts of the play. Superstitions were often believed by many Elizabethans in Shakespeare's time and were used throughout Macbeth to entertain it’s audience. Today, we still read his books for a source of humour or for a sad tragedy. These superstitions are not often believed for the occurrences happening today,c but we can still relate to them. In the play, the superstitions are portrayed by ghosts - banquo’s ghost with the kings - witches - the three witches who led Macbeth to his death …show more content…

According to folklore, the play’s history of bad luck began with its first performance when the actor scheduled to portray Lady Macbeth died suddenly and Shakespeare was forced to replace him. In another 17th-century production, held in Amsterdam, the actor playing King Duncan was allegedly killed in front of a live audience when a real dagger was used in place of the stage prop during the stabbing scene. Also, actor Harold Norman, who did not believe in the superstition, died after his stage battle became a little too realistic while playing Macbeth in 1947. From then on, saying the word “Macbeth” inside a theatre is strictly taboo unless one is rehearsing or in the midst of performing Shakespeare’s dark tragedy. Doing so is universally believed to bring about bad luck or even disaster and so to avoid the curse, people refer to the play by a variety of euphemisms such as “the Bard’s play” or “the Scottish …show more content…

Human nature can be as fragile as it can be strong. Regarding the theme of temptation, the way that Macbeth was persuaded and manipulated by his wife and three women that he hardly knew tells us two things about the human psych. The ones that we love the most are the ones that we lean on the most, so, i those people were to ever abuse that love, it would hit hard and change us. Macbeth loved and trusted his wife, and when Lady Macbeth persuaded him to become a murderer, he responded with not a much hesitation as he should have if it were someone else who told him. We can also take from that idea that we have the capability to easily trust what others say, maybe a little too easily, even if we don’t know them. The consequences for those may not be as severe as in the play, but they can can have an impact in life. Regarding the theme of ambition, the way that Macbeth desires to become the King of Cawdor is not far off from how modern people desire fame and fortune. How Macbeth goes about attaining this position may be more extreme for many people, but it still shows that we, as humans, would do almost anything to reach our goals. Lastly, the supernatural aspects of Macbeth show a great deal about the modern world. Although in our society folklore and magic is rarely believed in and is said to be fake, we still yearn to believe that there is

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