
Support And Criticism Of Romanticism In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The Support and Criticism of Romanticism in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein contains attributes from both the Enlightenment as well as Romanticism. The central idea of the book, the quest for the unattainable, is a very romantic idea, however the ending of the book provides a critique of this grand idea with the deaths of Victor and his loved ones along with Walton’s abandonment of his expedition. Ultimately, the book raises and attempts to provide an answer to the following questions: is the pursuit of the unattainable good or bad and what is the necessary balance between freedom and responsibility. Frankenstein provides support for some Romantic values through Victor’s love for nature and his quest for the unattainable, yet criticizes them when Victor’s life falls apart with his own death and the deaths of his loved ones.
The quest for the unattainable, the reason why the creature exists, shows Shelley’s support for Romantic ideas. Victors says, “In other studies, you go as far as other have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder” (30). In a Romantic sense, this quest is a good thing because the Romantics were all about asking the questions that no one had the answer to or to keep asking questions, to never stop with one solution.
Another major aspect of Romanticism is getting back into untouched nature. Victor often uses nature to clear his mind and help him

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