
Survival In Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

“Survival is the ability to swim in strange water” (Frank Herbert). Pi demonstrated life on the Pacific as a test of all aspects. Life on the Pacific tested his physical endurance, he was lost for two-hundred and seventy seven days. In that time, Pi demonstrates his faith towards God, himself, and Richard Parker. Pi develops a robust bond with Richard Parker, then connecting spiritually. Survival in the novel Life of Pi is etched in the deepest parts of the story. These aspects of the novel are depicted through personal and self-reflection within himself. Pi survives because of his strength, faith and a close relationship with Richard Parker. Strength during a survival situation is the most important thing to stay alive. This gives an individual the willingness and drive to do what is necessary to survive. Pi’s mental strength is paramount to survive during this ordeal. Without maintaining mental strength Pi would lose his sanity and eventually die. “I Will Not Die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously” (Martel 148). A strong mental mindset using proactive thinking is key to keep morale high, and having the willingness to survive. The passage shows how Pi is very determined to survive no matter the odds. Mental strength can survive without physical strength, but human necessities will provide physical strength. Pi demonstrates physical strength through his last effort of

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