
Susan Glaspell Themes

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1.Unstable situation:
The story begins in the home of the Wright family. Mr. Hale, a nearby neighbor came looking for Mr. Wright, but to his surprise, Mr. Wright has been killed. After, Mrs. Wright is accused of murdering her husband at his sleep. Fellow neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Hale come over along with towns attorney, Mr. Henderson, Sheriff Peters and his wife, Mrs. Peters. While the men snoop around the house looking for further evidence to convict Mrs. Wright, the women stay behind in the kitchen. Glaspell, the author, integrates early feminism as a major theme in the story. Often women were considered as simply house hold items, nothing more than an extra pair of hands around the house and their thoughts were irrelevant to the matter. …show more content…

By showing how two women bonded by acknowledgement of the truth, she shows how society considers women to be unimportant and often to follow a certain role in their lives, thus letting men dominate what they can or can’t do.

Once the women investigate on their own by looking at all the little things, they find the dead bird in a nice, little box. With the box symbolizing how Mrs. Wright might had seemed normal on the outside, when in reality, she was already gone in the inside. With no immediate action of the women and interruptions of the men, it leaves the audience with a sense of suspense and mystery, for will they share what they know, or will they stand together, as they should, to show resilience from men and society, despite the law.

8.Title Effectiveness:
Trifles by definition, means all the little things. The men throughout the story, often disregarded the little things that would eventually solve the mystery. Glaspell, using the title, “Trifles,” she tried to show a story with a name meaning little things, such as women were considered at the time. Women were left with often living unhappy lives due to the social norms of society of the time and the bigotry of men at the time such as portrayed by three men. Also, while the

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