
Susan Glaspell 's A Worker For The Des Moines Dailey News

Decent Essays

In the cold December of 1900, an Iowa farmer named John Hossack was found murdered in his bed. Susan Glaspell, a worker for the Des Moines Dailey News at the time, covered the case of his wife Margaret, who was thought to be guilty for his death. In over a dozen newspaper articles, Glaspell discusses the crime, the suspicion, and the eventual decision of Margaret Hossack 's innocence in the murder. Almost fifteen years later, Glaspell would use this case to inspire her one act play Trifles. Names and certain details were changed to fit a more dramatic retelling of the story, but as a whole the story still heavily reflected the Hossack case. The play itself was so successful that Glaspell actually turned it into a short story only a year later and titled that “A Jury of Her Peers.” On the surface, this move seems almost inane, or at least meaningless. What 's the point of forcing a perfectly good play to adapt to a different medium? At worst, it could ruin the entire idea of the story, and at best it would be redundant. However, after reading both the play and short story, the reader can easily pick up on some key differences between them. There are multiple aspects found in “A Jury of Her Peers” that aren 't at all present in Trifles, and the short story is written in such a way that the reader has a very real sense of foreboding that comes from the heavy overtones of loneliness. Glaspell uses the word “lonesome” to describe much of the Wright 's house and lifestyle through

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