
Swarthmore: What Makes Me To Describe Who I Am?

Satisfactory Essays

My definition of a nerd defines a type of student who loves winter breaks because that is the time they can snuggle with a pleasant book or an internet article. If I can describe who I am, I would say that I am a student who enthusiastically uses her free time to learn. When the students of Swarthmore were commonly describing their student body as quirky, nerdy, and passionate, I knew I would fit in. With a schoolwide Pterodactyl Hunt, it is no doubt that there is an eccentric twist to this school: a trait that thrills me. When it comes to academics, I am only more excited. The liberty of a pass/fail 1st semester shows Swarthmore’s commitment to passionate learning. That isn’t to say grades remove from passion, but it was in pass/fail assignments

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