
Symbolism In Fahrenheit 451

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Imagine. Just imagine being scrunched into a bowl where all that could be seen are simply screens that present images of what the people outside of the bowl want you to see. Fahrenheit 451 takes us to an environment where people think they are living their free lives, but really are actors who are given roles but are oblivious to the fact that they are being directed by others. However, what if some were different or maybe, just aware? What if someone decided to leave the stage and say what they want and think what they want? Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 uses the characters of Mildred Montag and Clarisse McClellan to show what would happen to society with the absence of freedom. First, Mildred’s character is the main representation of what …show more content…

For a man who always thinks he is satisfied with life, “‘are you happy?’” (Bradbury 10) suddenly becomes one of the hardest questions to answer for Guy all thanks for Clarisse. It is clear Clarisse has a unique ability to look at daily things from a different perspective. She is free, free of thought and free of containment. Clarisse is definitely different; she isn’t interested in the parlors or those sources of entertainment in general. In fact, she is almost the complete opposite of Mildred. She is fully aware that she doesn’t fit in with the others, ones who simply do what they are told, think what they are told to think and see what they are told to see. Clarisse tells Guy, “I’m very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social doesn’t it? Social to me means talking to you about things like this,” (Bradbury 29). She claims to know a time when violence and murder was not considered the norm or a source of amusement. Today, we have moral values and a great majority would argue that violence and murder is wrong just like Clarisse who has the ability to think to herself and by herself. Throughout the first half of the book, the audience ascertains through Clarisse how important it is for a human to be able to have freedom not just physically but

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