
Symbolism In Flawed And Perfect By Cecelia Ahern

Decent Essays

In the book series, Flawed and Perfect by Cecelia Ahern, the setting is set in the future where everyone stays between the lines. There are two groups in this society: there are those who are perfect which make up most of the population, and there are those who are flawed. Flawed people are treated poorly and are forced to follow much stricter guidelines because they had done something that society no longer accepted. Celestine is one of the few who decide to do what is right even if it is against what others think. One theme that is presented in this book series is sometimes people have to go against society’s views to do what’s right. In the story, Flawed, an example of author's craft appears early on in the book. Here, the author …show more content…

Celestine decides that she would nicely go ask the young ladies to move so that the sick old man is able to sit in a seat. These ladies refused and questioned if she is helping a flawed which is a crime. Celestine then helps the man to an open seat and the author states, ”There’s an audible gasp in the bus. I look around at everyone, the judgmental faces of surprise.”(Ahern Flawed 47). This is significant because she was the only one on the bus willing to stand up for the sick old man. This is the first time in this book series that the readers actually see a character who doesn’t follow the rest of the society and is willing to step out of the lines to do what is right. She is a character who does not ignore the people around her and is not solely focused on just herself. Celestine shows the theme because she shows care for another person even though the rest of the views of the society she lives in wouldn’t dare think about it. Certainly, it can be said that Celestine is not trying to do the right thing, but is choosing to just rebel against society. While this is a good point, it fails to show that the old man who she helped was in fact dying and Celestine was just trying to assist the flawed man into a seat. She was not trying to show that she could rebel, but just to do the right thing for an elder on the bus. Where this logic seems to let down is when the author describes

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