
Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

Decent Essays

Lord of the flies William Golding's prominent novel, Lord of the Flies is known for many things when it comes to symbolism. Pig heads, a broken pair of spectacles, and pointed spears are popular when it comes to high school essays, but one symbol is repeated through the novel. Clothing. The boys meet each other properly clothed, as they are accustomed to. By the end of the novel, the boys are naked and purposely streaked with coloured clay. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the boy’s physical appearances often mirror who they are as the storyline progresses.
Clothing is a societal norm which has long been a symbol of status and self-expression. Uniforms are used in many orderly institutions such as schools, militaries, and workplaces. Often, the leader of a uniformed group is clearly identifiable. Jack, one of the story’s antagonists, is cloaked in the black of his robes, leading a choir of similarly cloaked boys. A gold badge on his chest shines in the afternoon and stands out against the rest of the choirs silver badges. We see the darkness in him early on, the boys were easily “Intimidated by his uniformed superiority”(21), and the darkness only seems to grow as the story progresses. In Chapter 12, the last in the book, Jack is described as “A little boy who wore the extraordinary remains of a black cap on his red hair”. Letting go of the instincts society had drilled into not only him, but all of the boys on the island (Excluding Ralph, Piggy, and Simon)

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