
Symbolism In Scarlet Letter

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The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written in 1850. This novel was extremely controversial for its day because of the symbolism it possessed and the implications of that symbolism. The Scarlet Letter may have been a book about symbolism because nearly every object that appears in the novel has more than one symbol. These symbols tend to represent different feelings, thoughts, and ideas throughout the novel. Symbols are crucial to the story because when the story is over, the symbols and the meaning of the symbols influence the afterthoughts. Discovering symbols in a novel can sometimes be tricky, although in the end, knowledge is much greater when the symbols can be identified. Some of the most prevalent symbols in The Scarlet Letter …show more content…

The letter A is what this novel has been known for. It is the whole reason why there is such a struggle between sin, conscience, and self. Relating to the beginning of the novel, yet again, Hester is put in jail because she bore a child out of wedlock. She had been deemed an adulteress and because she didn’t confess her sin and the man whom she slept with, she was required to wear a scarlet A on all of her clothes so everyone knew. This A can be described as, “ On the breast of her gown, in red fine cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold-thread, appeared the letter A.” This description was gathered from chapter one on page fifty. Another A also haunts Reverend Dimmesdale as mentioned above. He is haunted and hurt by a branded A that appears on his chest. That specific symbol, along with others, is his lasting reminders of his transgression. The letter A appears in vast amounts of ways throughout the novel, but those two are the most prominent. In conclusion, it is obvious that the symbols in The Scarlet Letter make the novel what it is. Pearl’s symbolism of the rose and rosebush define her character and her connection to nature. The scaffold represents the public affliction because of the sin. Lastly, the Letter A represents not only Hester’s sin, but also her ability to help in addition to Dimmesdale’s sin. Some of these symbols, such as the letter A, prove to be fateful, but as for the novel, it could not and would not be the same without these characterizing

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