
Symbolism In The Birthmark

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The Birth Mark Relationships are not always the easiest, for Georgiana and Aylmer this is the case because of the imperfection of a birthmark that is on Georgianna’s cheek. This is an imbalanced relationship because Aylmer has control and uses it to his advantage. Georgianna is so in love with Aylmer that she would be willing to do anything even take her life to make her husband be happy, as she states “either remove this dreadful hand, or take my wretched life” (Hawthorne 342). The husband, Aylmer, has found an imperfection in his wife, because of this Aylmer sees his wife as mortal. He goes to say that if she did not have this then she would be perfect, an angel. Throughout the story “The Birth Mark” Hawthorne uses symbolism to understand that everyone has flaws and there is nothing that we can do about it. Hawthorne uses symbolism when he speaks about the birthmark on Georgianna’s cheek. …show more content…

Its human nature for one to be in a relationship and one is always willing to do something to make the other one happy no matter how far that is. Her husband never asked her to do this procedure. Yet, she was willing to do it only because she thought this would help their relationship and they could be happy. Georgiana is someone that would put anyone before herself, as long as the other person is happy so is she. Aylmer never realized that he had a good thing in front of him and once he did, he was too late. Reading “The Birth Mark” shows symbolism and true colors of characters throughout the story. Not only in this story but this happens in real life every day. Relationships are not always the easiest, there are some just as this story described. People taking others for granted and not knowing what they have until it is lost. This is very important because people will keep doing this until they are in a situation as Georgina and Aylmer, one losing one

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