
Symbolism In The Cathedral By Raymond Carver

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Every story you read has an author behind it now how you interpret that’s up to you, but some authors have a completely different interpretation on their writing. Some authors hide deep meaning behind their writings that can be difficult to catch. Authors will use symbolism to tell a different story. When reading these stories you can understand what the author most of been feeling during this time. A period of their life could affect the way they write and you can see that as reader if you pick a part the story. Raymond Carver is a great example on how a period in his life affected his writing. Caver used is writing style where he was once wring very dark then later in life he switch to writing with stories with hope Carver was considered …show more content…

This is where readers can see a change in direction of the story where the narrators lets go of bitterness and lets out compassion. The narrator was having a hard time explaining the cathedral to Robert he even said to himself, I stared hard at the shot of the cathedral on the TV. How could I even begin to describe it? But say my life depended on it. Say my life was being threatened by an insane guy who said I had to do it or else.the only way he found to describe to Robert was by drawing it. When he takes the hand of Roberts and explains to him the cathedral. Even though the narrator can see the cathedral he can't describe it to Robert so he draws it with him the narrator can see it deeper significance. The act of drawing however the cathedral with the narrator's eyes close help himself look inside and understand the greater meaning. As a result of this the description of the cathedral takes on a human element. This frees the narrator and makes him truly able to see for the first time. The narrator just sat there with his eyes closed, but what yet what he see is bigger than anything his seen with his eyes open. The realization the narrator is not clear but says he,"didn’t feel like he was inside anything” this can be interpreted that he was weightless meaning at this point suggest the narrator was feeling epiphany. The drawing has opened a new door for the narrator. The redirection of this story was the turning point in Carver new writing tone since he sobering up.The breakthrough that the narrator had could relate to the breakthrough Carver had to quit his addiction. Most people are blind to the fact they have an addiction and it takes a breakthrough to get them to quick. Carver and the narrator were both ignorant that they had problems and it took something for them to get their breakthrough. The breakthrough that

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