
Symbolism In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

Satisfactory Essays

Symbolism is used throughout “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien. An object O’Brien uses as a form of symbolism is the pebble. O’Brien uses the pebble to describe things as being “separate-but-together” (O’Brien 715). The pebble is a representation of Lieutenant Cross and his platoon members. While Cross is physically in Vietnam, he mentally is not there. He is instead imaging himself on a beach with Martha, but that then leads to the death of Ted Lavender. O’Brien also shows the pebble to symbolize hope for Lieutenant Cross. While it shows a mental and emotional separation from his platoon members, it physically is a beacon of hope for him. The context behind the pebble of it being from Martha is what motivates him to want to become a

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