
Symbols In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel continues to repeat the word “night,” throughout the book. This word represents how Wiesel feels about the war and how he is in a never-ending realm of sadness and darkness. “So many events have taken place in just a few hours I had completely lost the notion of all time. When had we left our homes?And the ghetto? And the train? Only a week ago? One night? One single night (37)? In the previous quote stated, it shows how quickly, just after leaving the ghettos, Wiesel understood how in a single night, everything was taken away so quickly. The word “night” in the book is repetitive and so powerful, and especially in this quote, it shows how “night” is used in order to symbolize death, a darkness of people,

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