
Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Concussion Essay

Decent Essays

Torturous Concussion Bam! Out of nowhere, an elbow from the assistant coach comes flying towards a person’s temple. This said person was participating in a drill in preparation for the upcoming basketball game. A concussion never crosses their mind, but the smallest blow to the head can cause either a minor or major concussion. In order to understand the effects of a concussion, a person needs to know the signs and symptoms, the emotional and social effects, and the long term struggles that people dealing with concussions face. After a person has experienced a concussion, they must deal with lasting affects to their brain. It is best for the people that undergo a concussion to understand that these affects are normal, their concussion will hold them back in different areas within their life, and the affects never go away. Many symptoms are common after dealing with a concussion. Symptoms include headaches, light sensitivity, and reaction to loud noises. Headaches occur often when people are concentrating hard or when they are staring at a screen for long periods of time. After a concussion, all lights become an obstacle. Lights are either too bright to handle or are dull making it hard to focus on the environment around a person. This light sensitivity leads to the person becoming queasy or developing a crippling headache. The noise sensitivity is definitely the worse symptom. It can turn an average day passing from class to class, into a time where the person feels like

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