

Decent Essays

Well basically George I deal with the subject of Syncretism, bringing together all the fields of knowledge and wisdom and showing the interrelatedness of all things. Syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all the big topics like; Theology, Astrotheology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the Holy Science, an ancient science based on the workings of the solar system, which is the science of, ‘as above so below’. These sciences enable one to develop wisdom and enlightenment far beyond what this world currently has to offer.

The ancients superiority in all scientific fields is patent still today after the ravages of time have caused decay and wear. …show more content…

Nature (The only book of God), in all her naked glory, is revealed to the ones that have ‘eyes to see’. The recurring cycles of nature are the basis of all the stories. In particular the Day, the Year, and the Great Year, or the Platonic year (Scientific name: Precession of the equinoxes) This cycle lasts around 24,000 years. This latter cycle is the cause of the Zodiacal ages. The age of Pisces is giving way to the age of Aquarius and we have just crossed over a great galactic alignment that takes place only once every 24,000 …show more content…

He describes it as a diverse yet interdependent polity ideally ruled by the philosopher, the wisdom-loving hero who has struggled up the steep and rugged ascent from the prison of ignorance to the luminous realm of truth. Self-discovery is a process of self-transformation: progressively taming and refining the disorderly elements of the soul, and “solarizing” one’s inner nature by identifying with the author of one’s being and its radiant ideals of Justice, Beauty, and the

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