
Synopsis Of The Book ' Season Of Terror ' Essay

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Season of Terror: The Espinosas in Central Colorado Initially, one is taught that a book has its exposition in which the characters are reviewed, then the rising action, where certain actions the characters do, providing early tension to the plot, leading to the climax of that very story. Author Charles F. Price took the traditional order of writing, and maneuvered his book Season of Terror in a way that would start the reader off at the rising action of a story. Price finds a way to distinctively tell the story of the two Mexican serial killers who left the citizens of Colorado fearing for their lives by beginning his book through descriptively piecing the action of these gruesome murderers. He then reveals the names of this horrific duo, explaining their deaths, and following that by describing their lives. Author Charles F. Prince was born in Clyde, North Carolina. He served active duty in the Army Reserves for six months, then followed different job careers like: reporting for a popular local newspaper; becoming a planning consultant for an engineering company; and became an acting director before retiring and becoming a full time writer. Now, although his life did not reflect the stories he wrote, his muse for writing historical non-fiction came from his paternal family history, following up on letters, diaries, and pension records from the national archives. When writing his books, not only did he use family history as his inspiration for his first four, but he also

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