
Synthesis Of Buprenorphine Lab Report

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Production/Synthesis: Synthesis of buprenorphine is accomplished by an 8 step chemical schematic starting with the thebaine, a naturally occurring substance that can be extracted from the poppy plant; the poppy plant is also responsible for natural production of morphine and codeine. The product can also be obtained through the starting material oripavine, which is a major metabolite of thebaine, and is also used to synthesize etorphine. We will go through both methods of transformation, though both can be used the oripavine schematic does use less toxic and harmful chemicals in its transformation (12). Thebaine as a starting material- The essential steps in the transformation of thebaine to buprenorphine are as follows; the N-demethylation of 5 using cyanogen bromide to N-nitrile which is hydrolyzed to 7. Then 7 is alkylated with cyclopropylmethyl carbonyl chloride that is then reduced with lithium aluminum hydride to 8. Finally 8 is O-demethylated by using KOH/digol, which then transforms product 8 into the final product buprenorphine. The issue with this synthesis schematic is the use of strongly toxic substances such as BrCN and cyclopropylmethyl carbonyl chloride. Figure 1: Schematic of thebaine 8 step transformation to buprenorphine (12). Transformation of oripavine to buprenorphine- …show more content…

After production of product 11 hydrogenation of this product can be preformed in H2O with tartaric acid to produce 12. Then the hydroxyl group in 12 can be protected as an ethyl carbonate to produce 13. After this a Grignard addition is used to produce either 16 or 17, with 6 equivalents of Grignard reagent or 10 equivalents (12). Both 16 and 17 can then be pushed towards buprenorphine by treatment with NaOH in methanol/dichloromethane. The best yield pathways are the 11, 12, and 13 pathways with 11 and 12 being easier to conduct, because of the crystalline intermediates

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