
Systematic Racism

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Segregation, degradation, and the absence of equality were simple ideals for people who are not of color. White men and women have been feeding this ideal their children and many more generations to come for centuries as an unimbellished and benefitial realism. As the years roll on some think that the blatant racism doesnt exist anymore. However, it is still grossly protuberant out on the streets and in homes of ordinary Americans; this, of coarse, is atrocious, Un American, and acrimonious not to mention a stain on America history. The history of African Americans has been full of heartache for as long as any of us could remember. “I feel it's vital that we learn from the past and recognize our tendencies to repeat our mistakes.”(Beyonce K.) The evolving issues in black identity and the struggle for equality are in …show more content…

“ A recent study by Cornell and Washington University shows that 91% of African Americans who reaches the age of 75 has experienced poverty.”(phone conference to CPUSA clubs in March 2005) These are the results of structural and systemic racism directed at the African American people. Systemic racism refers to an ingrained culture of racism afflicts a particular society over a long period of time. Such discriminatory practices affect both white and black members of the community. However, in most cases the black sections of society face the worst practice of it. “ The threat posed by racism was reflected in daily activities. Notwithstanding, modes of transportation were segregated so as to cater for black and white persons. Specific sidewalks and restaurants became predominantly either black or white.”(Essay UK) An element of master-slave relationships still existed within the society. The extent of racism inequality became extreme when blacks began suffering injustices from institutions enacted to support all citizens within the

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