
Taino People

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Many people of modern day Cuba are descendants the indigenous people of past centuries. During the 15th century the past inhabitants of Cuba these past people were called the Tainos they were descried by the Spanish visitors as, “meek, humble, obedient and very hospitable, little given to sexual pleasures or other exerting physical activities” (12). The Tainos would live off the land they often cultivated were yucca root, cotton, tobacco as well as maize and potatoes. The Tainos are not the original indigenous people of the land of Cuba long before were a group of people were called the Guanahatabeyes. The Guanahatabeyes were also migrants from far lands like modern day Venezuela and Colombia. They were forced to go west because of two groups on the island, which were the Tainos and the Siboneys; they travelled northwards from the Orinoco delta then the West Indies’ Island. Both of these groups have something in common, which is that they both belonged to a group named the Arawaks. …show more content…

The Siboneys people were often the servants for the Tainos the Siboneys were often described as “a most gentle kind of people” (12). Further more what changed for these groups was that the Spanish came with many black slaves from Africa, which often time during this time era blacks were the main source of free labor and maximum profit because their labor was free. A man by the name of Nicolás de Ovando was the ruler in the year of 1498; he forced the local Indians “into a forced-labour system that would become the model for Cuba” (13). A leader that was written about was a man by the name of Hatuey he was a Taino cacique he was from the land of

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