
Taking Down Tyrants Analysis

Decent Essays

Taking Down Tyrants “Give me liberty or give me death,” - Patrick Henry. The pursuit of of their freedom is the current mission of the American Army, who find means to standby their cause through hardships. It’s 1777 and there’s a war between between the Americans and the British. George Washington, the leader of the continental army, has struggled to keep his soldiers fighting for their freedom. He is keeping his troops in Valley Forge, 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia, where the British are located. My 9 month enlistment will be over on February 1st, , and I have to decide to stay or go. I’m going to stay for these three reasons. To be loyal to my country, to motivate and lift the spirits of my fellow soldiers, and fight for my country. I’m going to stay and fight because it means I am being loyal to my country. Thomas Paine wrote elaborately about the importance of loyalty to your country during this desperate time. He states in his writing of The …show more content…

Thomas Paine reaches a point in The American Crisis where he begins to describe the wrath and cruelty of British rule. During this description, he describes, “Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny… (Paine.)” Paine is showing just how Americans should not be held under these unwanted circumstance and should be free from Britain’s power. They are not treated the colonies with much respect at all. Thomas Paine stays on the topic of Britain for a while, and continues to make analogies. In one of the analogies of The American Crisis he states, “if being bound in that manner is not slavery, there is not such a thing as slavery on Earth (Paine.)” Just the fact alone that he is comparing Britain’s rule with slavery is enough to make you think that they don’t treat us Americans well. It makes the will to break the connection with Great Britain even longer. This needs to be fought for. Our own independance is worth the risk of staying to

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