
Taking a Look at Don Marquis

Decent Essays

Don Marquis, born on July 29, 1878 in Walnut, Illinois, United States, was a very dark and satirical man. Translating his love of the work of Mark Twain, and also taking inspiration from many tragic events that took most of his family from him, he became the man he is known as today.
Don Marquis worked many jobs before he started writing such as: in a pharmacy, on a chicken farm, on a railroad, for a county newspaper, and as a schoolteacher (Knight). In 1899 he went to Washington, D. C., where for a time he was simultaneously a student at the Corcoran School of Art, a clerk in the Census Bureau, and a reporter for the Washington Times . At this time he was torn between wanting to act, to paint, and write. Journalism eventually won, and in 1902 he joined the staff of the Atlanta News, becoming an editorial writer on the Atlanta Journal two years later. In 1909 Marquis moved to New York City, where, after working as a reporter on the American and the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, he joined the editing staff of the Evening Sun. Next year, in April 1913, he began the "Sun Dial," which was the column he was to make famous (1. "Donald").
Later on he was torn between his desires to act, to paint, and to write. Journalism eventually won the upper hand, and in 1902 joined staff of the Atlanta (Ga.) News (1. "Donald"). Two years later he became an editorial writer for the Atlanta Journal where he met Joel Chandler Harris, who in 1907 offered him a post as associate editor of Uncle

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