
Taking a Look at Structural Violence

Decent Essays

Structural violence on the other is the type of violence, one experienced by the Adivasi because of a national water dam project, “the violence of nationalism becomes explicit both through the categories of poor who are deemed appropriate to neglect and through the failure to help those who are not considered part of the national community” (Gupta, 19). In fact it would be more accurate to say that the structural violence the Adivasi experience was due to State policies and practices, which came to light because of the Narmada Sardar Sarovar Dam project. Baviskar describes the village of Ajanvara a is remarkably egalitarian. Each man who is the part of the patriarchal lineage of the village has been given cultivable piece of land meaning there are no landless farmers and no waged laborers. Baviskar accredits Anjanvara’s strong bond of reciprocity with neighboring clans and villages to intricate webs of kinship and marriage. The reciprocity and collective sharing of labor or laah have an important implication in the politics of honor in the Bhilala community. Being an egalitarian society, the Bhilala community members pursue power and status by accumulation of symbolic capital. The tendency to accumulate power through symbolic capital such as honor is done given the constraints of economic ways of demonstrating it and because of the egalitarian nature of the community, but just because nature of the society does not exclude women from patriarchal forms of power. The status

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