
Tangerine Lightning Quotes

Decent Essays

The lightning happens a lot in Tangerine and causes the Muck fires. The lightning represents how bad things happen to people in the novel Tangerine. “He was just standing there in the end zone. He had one hand on the goalpost, leaning on it, and kaboom!” (Bloor, 50) This quote shows how Mike Costello, was tragically struck by lightning and killed. Not only is death a bad thing for Mike himself and his football career, but also is very tragic for his family as well. “There really is no other time to practice, so we would a team that did not practice.” This affects the football season and the players for a short while, because they are discussing the fact on when they should practice. This is bad for the team because they have to stop their practice …show more content…

The grudge that Paul has with Erik. “There he goes, blaming me again.” (Bloor, 4) This quote happens when Paul is remembering running the truck drivers and mailbox smashers while moving out from his old house. This quote, especially the use of “again” shows how this is not the first time the Paul has blamed Erik for something that he did or didn’t do. This also shows the grudge that Paul has to Erik. “It’s been burning for as long as I can remember.” (Bloor, 15) This is when Wayne is talking to Mom and Paul about the lightning and muck fires that stir up smoke in the fertile ground near them. The way Wayne says “it’s been burning for as long as I can remember.” Symbolizes how Paul can always see the real side of Erik and the grudge that he holds against him. “Last summer like this, if you want to stop the muck fire you got to stop the lightning from striking. They ain’t figured out how to do that yet.” When Mom, is very frustrated at the sudden smoke and air that is clogging their house, she learns this surprising fact. What this quote is basically saying about Paul’s grudge to Erik is that if you want to stop the grudge, you have to nip it in the bud and stop Erik from doing psychotic things like blinding Paul, injuring him

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