
Tatea Research Paper

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Stressors Brandie M. West Columbia Southern University Stressors Stress Moderators When looking at Jetta’s extensive health background we can begin to see the evidence and correlation of stressors having impact on her physical as well emotional health. Addressing first of all her childhood and the early stresses that can correlate with some of her later experiences, we see the domestic abuse roller coaster within the first 7 years as being very impactful. Additionally, the shock of being removed from the environment and having to move created additional stress as the only consistency of a social support was lost by the move and transfer to a new school. In the new environment, the stressors continued as her stay at home mom transitioned …show more content…

She was introduced to spirituality and faith as a result of her seeking alternatives to self-medication and prescription therapy (as recommended in her past). This research led her to an increasingly focused concern for others, increased optimism, and a strengthened internal locus of control (Wengrzyn, 2015). Additionally, we could potentially attribute this to a cognitive maturing as well (Johnson, Blum, & Giedd, 2010). Jetta is very familiar with cognitive behavior therapy and has shown much strength in being self-reliant for a substantial time when it comes to her own therapy. However, as studies show, this method (though effective in so many other areas) may not help with all the stress as a majority of her current stress also has to do with her ministerial duties (which are essentially non paid employment). She has also discussed how she uses meditation in order to gain control over herself and how she handles stress, which also has been shown ill effective for the purpose of dealing with stress though this is probably effective with how she handles it and her success at not turning to substances to cope (Taylor, …show more content…

Her business may actually be a deterrent to her ability to lose the extra stress weight as well as dealing with the other aspects of stress because she does not make the time to incorporate the healthy aspects of reducing stress, such as a well-balanced diet, and adequate sleep. In light of this I believe that she would benefit from starting with setting new goals and actually putting them on paper, and meet with me to discuss how these goals can be set up with behaviors that will help her achieve them. Jetta has also expressed the effective of meditation for other areas, so I recommend a more focused training in mindfulness training can be very effective for her. She is the leader of a self-help support group that offers group discussion that provides self-affirmation and self-talk which she practices with others. In the role that she is in she doesn’t see the group members as able to offer her similar support and therefore she may benefit from this in the online format that is available to her (Taylor,

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