
Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

Technology Essay Technology can have many negative impressions on a person and a society. The book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, shows us many example of this. Bradbury uses figurative language, characterization, and dialog to suggest the effects of technology. Bradbury uses figurative language to develop the theme that although we develop technology to improve the quality of your lives, it can also be quite dangerous. For example, in introducing the mechanical Hound, the narrator tells us “...(T)he Hound had sunk back down upon its eight incredible insect legs and was humming to itself again, its multifaceted eyes at peace.”(26). In describing the hound Bradbury compares it to a spider, attributes to it parts of living creatures such as legs and eyes and personifies it by implying it can choose its actions and feel emotion. Bradbury is aware that most readers are fearful of spiders and thus implying that this robot is powerful and threatening. The author goes on to talk about the televisions in the living room of the houses, by saying , “The three empty walls of the room were the brows of sleeping giants now, empty of dreams.’(95). Bradbury relates the TV screens as the brows of sleeping giants to signify to the reader that, like real giants, the televisions when on or ‘awake” they can harmful but since they are off or “asleep’ they are less threatening. Bradbury knows that some may have negative connotations with giants, and may view them a unnerving, so by using this

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