
Technology In The Book Anthem

Decent Essays

“We were born with a curse” (18). At the beginning of the book Anthem, this quote explains how Equality- 2721 feels about himself. He is describing how he thinks and wishes about things that are forbidden. In the book Anthem, one topic of discussion is technology and science. Technology and science is presumed to be feared in the book and is primitive. The government and most of the city’s citizens are programmed to be fearful of new inventions and discoveries. In the book, Equality 7-2521 has discovered that he is different from all of the others. He is more attentive and more intelligent. The Teachers in the Home of the Students disapprove of his ability to be superior to others. He was sentenced to be a Street Sweeper, to try to prevent his creativity. Later on in the book, Equality has been experimenting with electricity and finally discovers the light bulb. He presents this to the World Council and they say he is a disgrace, for a Street Sweeper to try to become superior to others. This shows that they are fearful of technology and science. …show more content…

Equality is explaining what the Old Ones talk about in the Home of the Useless. Technology in Anthem is progressing slowly. It took 50 years to just discover and to approve of the candle. Compared to our present day technology, the technology in the book would be similar to colonial time technology. There are no phones, no commuters, no internet, no electricity, nothing technology wise. They are used to writing with ink and paper, using candles for light sources, and work was their only pass

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